Wednesday, June 9, 2010


A few days ago, I finally reached my fundraising goal of $4,000!

Months ago, when I signed up for this trip, I acted on impulse and crossed my fingers that I'd be able to make the whole thing happen: $4000 minimum fundraising goal, eight hours of on-site building for sweat equity, researching and spreading the word about affordable housing.

Of course, I wouldn't have been able to meet this goal without the generosity and kindness of everyone who donated to my cause. I want not only to thank those who gave large sums of money (though of course, they all deserve endless gratitude) but especially those who gave some smaller amount, because they put in whatever they could manage on a limited budget. These smaller donations added up to over $600, which is an extremely good indication of how many little bits can add up to a substantial whole.

I'd like to take a moment now to thank everyone who donated to my cause:

The Ithaca College faculty and staff who donated gave more than just monetary support; these generous supporters have been there for me for two, three, or even four years of college, helping me to succeed and always being there for me when I needed them.

Beth O'Neill
Jessica Ecock
Kevin Murphy
Claire Gleitman
James Swafford
Ericka L Smith-Schubart
Lauryl Tucker   
Kathy Eldrid

And again I have to thank all of my friends who helped me out in this endeavor. I know that during college everyone feels the pressure of money, with student loans bearing down on us and with a job market that can only be describes as abysmal–so I especially thank you all for finding a little something, be it $10 or $50, to give to the Bike and Build cause.

Isaac Hattem
Dave Seidorf
Christopher Schell
J M Daines Ewing
Kayla Ann Baughman
Christopher Nickelson
Heather Fields
Matt Barnhart
Eryn Bauer
Christopher Lisee
Mitchell Sholty
Adrienne Gosztonyi
Kyle Luckett
Lauren Way
Brigham Mosley
James Grandner
Mario Burgos
Joseph Fraioli
Daniel Haack
Brian Erickson
Neil Shapiro
Cole Lechleiter
Daniel Hoerner

And of course, the largest donations came from my family and those who I've come to consider family, and they deserve perhaps the greatest thanks of all. These are the people who have already sunk countless hours and dollars into my upbringing, and whose generous donations made up well over half of my total fundraising goal.

Nana and Papap
Aunt Deborah and Uncle Danny
Charles Berry
William Ewing and Sarah Daines

and of course,

Mom, Dad, Linda and Nicole, without whom I'd never even have made it this far.

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